New nonsense!

It’s been a while (and a pandemic) since I’ve posted much of anything on here. I figured I might as well show some of the short and silly things I’ve been doing in the past year. These are from most to least recent, I think.
First up, here’s the adventures of Tony & Steve: Time Jerks, two belligerent universe-hopping versions of Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers as they wreak havoc across the time-space continuum…

Here’s me screwing around with VFX tutorials because why not..

And more VFX self-inflicted mayhem…

An ode to the Year of Hell we just went through and a look at the future..

And a Missy/Master fanvid I did for Head Over Feels Fanvid Happy Hour at the 2020 Gallifrey One con.

Hope you enjoy these!
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 at
10:20 am

New nonsense! ”

